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Launching AI-driven Fraud Detection

Digital Bank

An enterprise-wide risk assessment (EWRA) brings a harmonized approach to the types of risk an organization faces. For banks, in particular, an EWRA involves the financial institution identifying threats, critical risks, and impacts that should be considered to manage risks […]

As the regulatory and enforcement focus on money laundering and related financial crimes intensifies, adverse media screening can add immense value for banks. Effective adverse media screening demonstrates a bank’s strong commitment to responsible compliance and can result in substantial […]

Banking professionals understand the importance of their companies’ reputations. Research by media communications specialists Weber Shandwick found that global executives attribute 63 percent of their company’s market value to its reputation. Yet, unexpected events and resulting bad news can quickly […]

At the heart of all anti-money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/TF) regulation is the risk-based approach (RBA). The RBA recognizes that the risk profile of a bank’s customers varies widely and thus risk mitigation measures need to be proportionate. While […]

The Australian government will formally respond to a report advising banks of their responsibility to provide services to virtual currency trading platforms, FinTechs, and remittance providers. Published in August 2022, the report aims to address de-banking in these industries and […]

Accessing banking services in the Philippines has been notoriously difficult for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Due to their limited acceptable collateral and inadequate financial statements and business plans, Filipino MSMEs have historically struggled with the traditional banking system, […]

CDD in banking

In order to meet the demands of AML/CFT regulations, banks must implement suitable Know Your Customer (KYC) measures in order to understand who their customers are, and the nature of the business in which they are involved. With that requirement […]

Transaction Monitoring Banks

In an evolving financial landscape, new criminal methodologies and regulatory obligations change firms’ compliance obligations regularly. In order to detect and prevent money laundering in that regulatory environment, banks must work to understand their customers’ financial activity by implementing a […]